There is a Montenegrin family in my church, and as St. Michael is their family's patron (and the baptismal name of practically every male in the family), every year they have a big family party in St. Michael's honor. The party is called a Slava. In the Eastern traditions, St. Michael is usually commemorated chiefly on the 8th of November, which is when they have their Slava.

There's more here: https://orthodoxwiki.org/Archangel_Michael

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What a delight to read and see what you've shared on St. Michael!

By the way, there is one other scriptural reference to St. Michael besides those in Daniel and the Apocalypse. St. Jude in verse 9 of his epistle also refers to St. Michael contending with the Devil over the body of Moses. "When Michael the archangel, disputing with the devil, contended about the body of Moses, he durst not bring against him the judgment of railing speech, but said: The Lord command thee."

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Wow - thank you for such a splendid compilation.

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Thanks for the kind mention. I’ve never seen the Formis Michael before, and it may just be my favorite. Beautiful.

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I’m partial to Domenico Beccafumi’s two versions of the Fall of the Rebel Angels; Milton saw the altarpiece of 1526 in Santa Maria del Carmine in Siena.

In Bavaria and Austria, by the way, the goose is eaten on Martinmass, November 11.

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Yes, I was going to drop a note in that the goose is eaten on Martinmas in Umbria too. We did get one once, but goose is surprisingly difficult to find, even in the rural areas. Though there is a village around where I lived in San Martino that has geese as their main agricultural product, and they have a goose sagra every summer.

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Thank you for the images. Man oh man ... that image by the Master of Belmonte! Can it get better that that? Wondrous

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Everyone's got a fave. I'm very partial to the frescos at Formis. Some day must get up there to see them.

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Yes, I see what you mean, less Lovecraftian but the more beautiful:


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We need to get a copy of this to James Lindsay.

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Yes, I heard. Embarrassing to be so publicly culturally illiterate.

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