Happy New Year! This sounds really great. 🙏🙏

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Ha ha, I once went to the Uffizzi specifically to see the Portinari Altarpiece, one of my all time favourites. Even with a degree in Art History, I think I could learn plenty from you, Hilary. Keep up the good work, & a Happy New Year.

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I will rely upon you for keeping me on my toes, Elizabeth.

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You are *never* boring, Hilary. 🤗

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It is with great joy that I read of this venture. Where I live, and in the cultural desert of what remains of Western Civilization, this is a gift of untold measure.

Looking forward to February! Cheers and a blessed New Year to you .

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What you said here: "it seems clear that I have a duty to pass it along to anyone interested. And when I floated the idea of a series of short courses on a Facebook page, I was surprised by the warm and enthusiastic response I had." This is key - sharing and passing on the knowledge and love you have for art. You are right that it is a duty to pass it on. Hey, you might be a small brick in the infrastructure of civilization, but if everyone passes along their love and passion, the entire structure is built! Thank you for this. I look forward to reading and seeing more. I often copy artwork you share to my photos so that I can look back at beauty and sigh...

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I really do recommend taking up drawing. It's like uploading the image to your wet-ware storage. Nothing beats drawing for allowing your mind to truly enter into an image.

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You are right. Awhile back I started copying some of Durer's sketches. It was an eye-opener and I need to get back to that.

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I am VERY interested in your study plan! Will be standing by for details.

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