Ah, that dear blessed Fra Angelico - thanks for showing some of his work, which goes right with the article. I like "do the little things" concept - it seems common to all great saints (St Therese I'm thinking of right away). It hints of holiness being right in front of you. I'm looking forward to the book study. And no worries about your lethargy and/or delayed posts. I had the same kind of weather here a couple weeks ago. My brain seemed to shut off to keep my basic blob of inertness alive on a basic level. Something to just live through and offer up.... Two very important words from this post: asteroid (perfect) and "cephalophore" - marvelous!
Someone once asked the 16th century Christian mystic Jakob Böhme if it waa true that Heaven was above, in the sky and far beyond the stars. "Of course not!", he replied. "When you die, you open your eyes, and you're there..."
Metropolitan Anthony Bloom (of blessed memory) wrote a wonderful little book called "Beginning to Pray". I don't think I could do it justice, and even he spends a fair amount of the book saying what prayer is not.
I recall reading this article back on 1P5, but it was refreshing to see this here. Especially because the line about ex opere operato not working on us like it does on the sacraments (paraphrased) was particularly pertinent. Thanks Hilary.
"I’ve looked for the Door to Narnia all my life, and here it is; it might be a while before I can go through it, but it can allow heaven to visit me, I can befriend the heavenly hosts. I can become a Narnian citizen, though for now an expat, and look through it to my home every day."
When I entered the Orthodox Church some years ago, a cradle-Orthodox asked me what the conversion experience was like. I said "I finally found myself among sane people." I went on to explain that at long last I was being told that the things I knew had to be true were, in fact, actually true. I had had too many odd experiences - none of the more fashionable mystical experiences, mind you, but years of little tells. And then learning that, contrary to what I had been told when I asked questions as a child, it was actually real.
I've had things happen to me too. Big and small. things I can't explain or forget, though some are +50 year old memories now. I don't think about them all the time, but they keep me from walking away when I get angry and fed up.
It's now Thursday, July 25. Did I miss anything about the book club? I didn't see anything on Monday about it. But I sometimes miss stuff (not the best techie), so just checking... Thank you!
Hi Shannon, Not really, we have only just sort of introduced ourselves. There's a video of the Abbot of Clear Creek giving a little background. When I post about it, I'll be sending it out as an email to the subscribers.
Thanks, Hilary. And let me say how much I hope you start feeling better. I know how the excessive heat affects former chemo patients. I no longer have much of the ability to deal with excessive heat or cold. Very weird. I guess we were made for paradise instead, where the temps are - of course - perfect...
"The Asteroid."
Ah, that dear blessed Fra Angelico - thanks for showing some of his work, which goes right with the article. I like "do the little things" concept - it seems common to all great saints (St Therese I'm thinking of right away). It hints of holiness being right in front of you. I'm looking forward to the book study. And no worries about your lethargy and/or delayed posts. I had the same kind of weather here a couple weeks ago. My brain seemed to shut off to keep my basic blob of inertness alive on a basic level. Something to just live through and offer up.... Two very important words from this post: asteroid (perfect) and "cephalophore" - marvelous!
Someone once asked the 16th century Christian mystic Jakob Böhme if it waa true that Heaven was above, in the sky and far beyond the stars. "Of course not!", he replied. "When you die, you open your eyes, and you're there..."
I also believe this, but I'm not going to be taking the word on the matter of a gnostic fraud, puffed up with heretical delusions. Prelest is a thing.
Looking forward to an answer on "what is prayer really" as I am still bemused after all these years!
Metropolitan Anthony Bloom (of blessed memory) wrote a wonderful little book called "Beginning to Pray". I don't think I could do it justice, and even he spends a fair amount of the book saying what prayer is not.
I recall reading this article back on 1P5, but it was refreshing to see this here. Especially because the line about ex opere operato not working on us like it does on the sacraments (paraphrased) was particularly pertinent. Thanks Hilary.
"I’ve looked for the Door to Narnia all my life, and here it is; it might be a while before I can go through it, but it can allow heaven to visit me, I can befriend the heavenly hosts. I can become a Narnian citizen, though for now an expat, and look through it to my home every day."
When I entered the Orthodox Church some years ago, a cradle-Orthodox asked me what the conversion experience was like. I said "I finally found myself among sane people." I went on to explain that at long last I was being told that the things I knew had to be true were, in fact, actually true. I had had too many odd experiences - none of the more fashionable mystical experiences, mind you, but years of little tells. And then learning that, contrary to what I had been told when I asked questions as a child, it was actually real.
I've had things happen to me too. Big and small. things I can't explain or forget, though some are +50 year old memories now. I don't think about them all the time, but they keep me from walking away when I get angry and fed up.
It's now Thursday, July 25. Did I miss anything about the book club? I didn't see anything on Monday about it. But I sometimes miss stuff (not the best techie), so just checking... Thank you!
Hi Shannon, Not really, we have only just sort of introduced ourselves. There's a video of the Abbot of Clear Creek giving a little background. When I post about it, I'll be sending it out as an email to the subscribers.
Thanks, Hilary. And let me say how much I hope you start feeling better. I know how the excessive heat affects former chemo patients. I no longer have much of the ability to deal with excessive heat or cold. Very weird. I guess we were made for paradise instead, where the temps are - of course - perfect...
"what is the spiritual life, really?" and "what is prayer, really?"
This is what the universal call to holiness is all about. And I think Mothe Abbess Cecile has much to teach us.