What marvels, thank you! Sleep well.

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Glad you to got to to visit the convent; it's one place I would love to visit again. It's rather sad it's a mere museum these days, how wonderful it must have been to have one of those paintings on your cell wall to meditate upon!

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I am on the “downslope” of life and will never be able to see this in person. Your pictures here are little windows of joy for me, Hilary. Thanks.

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Your post brought back good memories. I was in Florence in 1988 over spring break. I remember the cathedral with the famous bronze doors but don't think we saw the works of Fra Angelico at the monastery. (It was Holy Week when our group was there.)

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Sogni d'oro

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I visited San Marco on Feb 26, 2020 when Italy was panicking over Covid and the government had just restricted international inbound flights. There was no one in San Marco so I took my time to gaze at Fra Angelico’s work. Having no chattering tourists around makes one feel as if the the monks were still there sitting quietly in their cells.

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