Wow. This is riveting stuff…Makes me want to return to Bede. I read him in a medieval Latin class in college. It was a graduate class and my Latin was not great at the time. I was often so behind I struggled to enjoy much of what we read. I think I may enjoy him more now on my own time haha

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You can have all of our airports, electricity, surgeries, life expectancy, central heating, indoor plumbing, automobiles and right down the list -- all of it combined pales badly in comparison to one page of such an illumnated manuscript.

Those people made the paper, the ink, the pens and recorded their souls on those images. We are blessed indeed that such wonders still exist. And we should be a bit embarrassed to point to our progress.

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This was an amazing read today. Awesome work as always.

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I made a wonderful visit to Lindisfarne last year. There's a convenient bus from the charming border town of Berwick upon Tweed for those without a car.

Also not to be missed are the remains of the double abbey of Monkwearmouth (now part of Sunderland) and Jarrow (a suburb of Newcastle today). Both surviving churches are mighty impressive with significant parts extant from Bede's day, and at Jarrow there's a superb museum dedicated to Bede and his times as well as a reproduction monastic farm.

Both are reachable by Newcastle Metro and bus.

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