Sitemap - 2024 - The Sacred Images Project
A Lonely Island of Prayer: a visit to La Grande Chartreuse in 1890
Sparkly medieval bling: Ottonian art goes large
That other time the Church hit rock bottom: the "Saeculum Obscurum"
Sacred Art is the only way I can think of to help
Icons and the Shroud: Yes, we really do know what Christ looked like
Taking a step back to move forward
Goodie Bag for Nov. 15 - Like an Evening Sacrifice: The Sacred Story of Incense
Into the Desert Solitudes of the Fathers
The Neo-Gothic Revival: Re-enchanting Art and Craft in Victorian England
What Is Heaven Actually Like? Visions, Symbols, and Joys of the Divine
Pugin and the English Neo-Gothic Revival: Art and Spirit Reawakened in Dark Times
Goodie Bag for All Souls: What is the Office of the Dead?
Visions of the Beginning and End: From Bruegel’s War in Heaven to the Bamberg Apocalypse
The End of the World, the End of Life, and the End of October: the Art of the 4 Last Things
Goodie Bag for Oct. 26th: A tour of a 13th c. manuscript, and some digital medieval downloads
Putting Out Into the Deep: Starting the Journey into Iconography
Myth of Modern Progress and the Rejection of Christian Roots in Art History
Spooky Goodie Bag for Oct 18: Sienese art and the Black Death
Deep Looking: how to analyse a Gothic painting
How the West Betrayed Its Own Sacred Tradition
Artist Focus: Pintoricchio the Gothic Storyteller of the Renaissance
Heresy and Hammer: How Protestant Iconoclasm Became a Campaign of Destruction
Goodie Bag for Friday Oct. 4: The Secret Power of Paper (I promise, it's not boring)
Defend us in the day of battle: St. Michael the Archangel in Christian art and devotion
The Crown and the Cross: Alfred the Great and Edward the Confessor
Friday Goodie Bag for Sept 27: Narrative Realism & What "The Chosen" Can Offer the Imagination
Island Kings and Mystic Saints at the Dawn of English Christianity
Christian Kingship and the Impending Fall of Liberal Democracy
Goodie Bag Sept 20: Carolingian or What? quiz answers and a look at some monastic success stories
What is "veneration" of an icon?
Goodie Bag post... is postponed, sorry.
Celtic crosses and Saxon monasteries: how island art and monks helped shape Christian Europe
Part IV of the desert and the pursuit of holiness
Goodie Bag post for Sept. 7: a new quiz - "Carolingian or what?"
Benedictine Empire - how the Holy Rule conquered Europe
Monks and Mysticism in the Carolingian Empire
Carolingian glories: a closer look
Two realities embrace - nature and grace
Feast of the Assumption, or the Dormition of Mary?
Part III of The Desert And The Pursuit of Holiness
A deeper dive: the Transfiguration icon and the ultimate goal of human life
The Icon of the Transfiguration, Iconoclasm and Charlemagne
Part 2 of Duccio's Maestà; the Passion of Christ in pictures
Artist focus: 3 Gothic masters you've probably never heard of
Duccio's Maestà: you open a door and walk into the golden court of heaven
(Saturday) Goodie Bag for July 27: Dog-headed saints and other iconographic oddities
Art and Charlemagne: how did western sacred art start?
(Saturday) Goodie Bag for July 20: Romanesque or what? quiz answers
Part II, The desert and the pursuit of holiness
San Damiano; a walking tour of the home of St. Clare of Assisi
How to live in a timeless world: advice for sacred artists
"Saints beget saints": a Benedictine calls for spiritual heroism
Art is a window into the transcendent
Friday Goodie bag for July 5th: "Romanesque or Byzantine?" quiz and some fun updates
Marko Rupnik and iconographic heresy
Friday Goodie Bag for June 28: What's an iconostasis?
Artist focus: Duccio di Buoninsegna master of the Italian Gothic
From Giotto to Lovecraft: the long, slow, inexorable slope of materialist metaphysics
Friday Goodie Bag, June 21: how to tell Gothic from Romanesque and some contemporary sacred artists
Where did all the monasteries go?
Artist focus: Lorenzo Monaco - the glorious Italian Gothic
Friday Goodie Bag for June 14: some unusual manuscripts and YET another quiz!
Manuscripts: the long sunny afternoon of the Gothic
Gothic Devotion vs. Renaissance Humanism
Manuscripts: from Charlemagne to Ireland to the Romanesque
Northern Gothic Devotion vs. Renaissance Humanism
No Friday Goodie-bag post this week. Sorry.
Symbolic visual language, iconographic prototypes and Disney Princesses
What's wrong with this picture?
Friday Goodie-Bag for May 24: quiz answers. And MOAR quizzes! Name that prototype
Sanctification in photos: St. Charles de Foucauld
"Ave, gratia plena": The greatest masterwork of the Sienese Trecento?
Iconography and the rat-in-a-maze school of vocational discernment
Friday Goodie Bag, May 17: A fun art quiz some videos and a digital download
Visual torture in the real life Objective Room
St. Michael the Archangel notebook
Defend us in the day of battle: the Archangel Michael in Christian art
Corita Kent: how the New Art helped the Catholic Sexual Revolution
Friday Goodie Bag... On Monday!
Eating yourself; what medieval art can tell us about hell and the people in it
This is a test of the Sacred Images Project podcast
Out of Egypt: the iconographic tradition and the first great empire
Friday Goodie Bag April 26: St. Francis' original cloister and Narni's medieval festa
The St. Catherine's Pantocrator
Friday Goodie Bag: three contemporary iconographers
The Fayum mummies and Amarna princesses
A note to our many new free subscribers
Introducing the Friday Sacred Art Goodie-bag
Deep Looking part 2: learning to draw gave me superpowers
Art for Easter; Christ is risen!
Dragons, wizards and fairy queens, mystic monks and hermit saints
How to make an icon: a story in pictures and video
Cripta San Magno: sneak preview
Some site changes and housekeeping
Part I of the desert and the pursuit of holiness: The way forward is through the desert
For love of Beauty – Philokalia
Two Romanesque churches - Part 2, Santa Maria Assunta
Invite your friends to read World of Hilarity
Chora mosque: how to symbolically re-conquer and subjugate Christianity
Two Romanesque churches - Part 1, Santa Pudenziana
The eyes of Marko Rupnik: black "soulless" holes?
Do not I hate them that hate thee, O Lord
Source? -Recommendations for further reading & looking
An idea: in-depth, laser-focused mini-courses
No, The Renaissance, Man is not "the measure of all things," sit down.
Deep Looking - how to look at art
Paid memberships are on: let's get started
Know your sacred art terms: what are "the Canons"?
Introducing "Sacred Images": a place for students and teachers